Zonta International is a powerful advocate for change in our local and international communities thereby transforming the world and the place for women and girls. Our goal is gender equality by forming affiliations with like-minded organizations and having representation at decision making tables. At an international level Zonta has consultative and participatory status with various United Nations bodies. Zonta District in Australia provide a voice to the Australian Government. At a club level Zonta focuses on local issues affecting women and girls while advocating for positive change by decision makers.
Advocacy priorities for the Zonta Club of Hobart include -
Provision of affordable housing especially for older women and those who are fleeing family violence.
The right for First Nations communities to have a voice to Parliament
Proactively address the impact of Climate Change on our community
Reduction of gender inequality in the workplace, especially targeting low paid feminized workplaces
The provision of affordable childcare, if not free childcare
The need to develop and implement education programs that promote respectful relationships from K-12 onwards
Each year from 25 November to 10 December the Zonta Club of Hobart highlights the need to eliminate violence against women through 16 days of activism. Activities during this period include fund raising for women experiencing family violence and continual social media advocacy.
Climate change is a major global crisis. It has a negative impact on people and the enviroment around the world. All of us and especially the next generations with be affected; however, not all of us will be affected in the same way.
The consequences of climate change are severe, especially for poor and vulnerable groups in developing countries. From natural disasters to food security, health, access to clean water and migration, in several parts of the world, our changing climate already has severe implications for women and girls. As families strive to cope with these changes. they may resort to negative coping mechanisms, forcing girls to leave school or marry early. Risk for gender based violence also increases. Understanding climate change as a human rights issue is central to the fight against climate change, but also to create a sustainable, gender-equal future.
Zonta International envisions a world in which women's rights are recognized as a human rights and every women is able to achieve her full potential. In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision-making positions on a equal basis with men. In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence.
Whilst the focus of governments and enviromentalists tend to be on the "big picture" Zonta Hobart has produced a small booklet containing tips for how each household can reduce their carbon footprint. It also contains recipes for making enviromentally friendly household products.
Click the PDF Icon to View the Booklet Online
"Rethink Waste Tasmania"
"Sustainable Living Tasmania"